一对相爱的男女, 即使粗茶淡饭, 都可以吃的津津乐道。
从相爱到不相爱, 一夜之间。
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
冲了过去,前面就是幸福, 还是坟墓?我只知道冲了过去,就必须做好再次受伤的准备,再次冒险的准备。因为,爱情的路上,有太多得分岔路,需要作红绿灯的抉择!
冲了过去,前面就是幸福, 还是坟墓?我只知道冲了过去,就必须做好再次受伤的准备,再次冒险的准备。因为,爱情的路上,有太多得分岔路,需要作红绿灯的抉择!
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Am I ....?
I wish I am and I hope I am not!
I had back pain on the right side of my back, my stomache bloating, mild dierhea...
I had back pain on the right side of my back, my stomache bloating, mild dierhea...
I wish I could turn back the time
How if I am still studying in college now and not attaching to anyone?
What will my life be? Will I study harder? probably no... Will I appreciate the extra time I have for being single? I am not sure..
but... I miss the time when I was innocent...no commitment to realationship, no commitment to car loan or house loan, no comparison on poor or rich, no expensive dinner, no breakfast, no worries...
What will I do, if I could turn back the time?...
Answer is: The exactly same thing I was doing then so that I can be who I am now. :-p
I enjoyed the time I had last time, and I am contented to what I have now.. I am just simply want to reenjoy the moment I had then....I was so cute that time..at least i think i was..
What will my life be? Will I study harder? probably no... Will I appreciate the extra time I have for being single? I am not sure..
but... I miss the time when I was innocent...no commitment to realationship, no commitment to car loan or house loan, no comparison on poor or rich, no expensive dinner, no breakfast, no worries...
What will I do, if I could turn back the time?...
Answer is: The exactly same thing I was doing then so that I can be who I am now. :-p
I enjoyed the time I had last time, and I am contented to what I have now.. I am just simply want to reenjoy the moment I had then....I was so cute that time..at least i think i was..
My prince charming a muscle man now
We have been addicted to gym lately and will surely go there at least twice a week.
Because of that, I got no time to cook for my dear and actually he eat lesser these days. I feel so sorry for not able to be a good wife but recently, we found out that he actually gain weight.
Old people usually said, man will gain weight after married. Is that true, or it is the effect of gym? I am not too sure yet, but i can see his muscle on his breast.
Muacks...love him.
Because of that, I got no time to cook for my dear and actually he eat lesser these days. I feel so sorry for not able to be a good wife but recently, we found out that he actually gain weight.
Old people usually said, man will gain weight after married. Is that true, or it is the effect of gym? I am not too sure yet, but i can see his muscle on his breast.
Muacks...love him.
Friday, May 21, 2010
19th May 2010- DPO SCM Gathering
^^..First time gathering with dear's colleagues. I was nervous, afraid that I am not able to click with the gang but it turn out to be a great one.
We arrived at "Full House" at around KLCC area just in time. Few of them, Nick, Jumy, Sly were there already greeting me with a great smile. I feel comfortable. Others, Elaine and Suzane, arrived , after a while. They are really funny and I enjoyed listening to their conversation.

The ambiance of "Full House" is fantastic, decoration is great, but it was hot with the aircond not working properly. Food presentation is nice but the taste is not impressed at all. Nick order Korean "maggie mee" and with the temperature there, it make us feel like we are gathering at Mamak. =p.
After the "makan" session, we had some photograph session by our "Professional" photographer, Sly. He is really good and patient in taking photograph. Thanks, Sly.

Thank you all, we had a great time. We should meet again!! :-D
We arrived at "Full House" at around KLCC area just in time. Few of them, Nick, Jumy, Sly were there already greeting me with a great smile. I feel comfortable. Others, Elaine and Suzane, arrived , after a while. They are really funny and I enjoyed listening to their conversation.
The ambiance of "Full House" is fantastic, decoration is great, but it was hot with the aircond not working properly. Food presentation is nice but the taste is not impressed at all. Nick order Korean "maggie mee" and with the temperature there, it make us feel like we are gathering at Mamak. =p.
After the "makan" session, we had some photograph session by our "Professional" photographer, Sly. He is really good and patient in taking photograph. Thanks, Sly.
Thank you all, we had a great time. We should meet again!! :-D
Friday, May 14, 2010
Taiper Trip- 8th/ Last Day (15th April 2010)
We were much more ready! Ready to come home!
Packed our luagage, and do some last minute shopping at "Underground Street".
Our flight was at 3.30pm. So we need to board to the airport bus at 12pm as it took 1.5 hours journey to the airport from Taipei Main Station. We did our shopping till 12pm and rush to the Bus Stop, we were late. Haha, all blame to the ladies who still can grabbed some clothes at the last 1 hour.
Reach airport and we spent sometimes at the airport lobby to finish the sushi we bought at "Sushi Take-Out".

We walk slowly to the boarding gate and then we decided to spend all of our TWD currency in a Duty Free Shop. Guess what, we really make it and I even need to "borrow" TWD10 from our travel mate.

Happily, we bought the souvenier without noticing that we were late and the flights attendant was calling us. We ran all the way to boarding gate and when we are in the plane, all passenger look at us with a big eyes.
What a unforgetful (shameful) moment!...
Sorry all, we just simply feel so hard to leave Taipei! Goodbye Taipei, we will be back!;->
Taipei Trip- 7th Day (14th April 2010)
Ow...times fly. Our mood was terribly affected...so.. so..so..blue, as we were not ready to come back to Malaysia. It is the last full day to enjoy ourselves in Taipei.
Even now, a month past, the moment I am writing now, ah...still feel a little down. I really missed the time we had in Taiwan, I am sure my dear too. We had great moment. Wonderful time and unforgetful events in Taipei. A lot of "first time", happened here in Taipei.
Today, we were no more rush. Spend quite sometime at the "underground street" at Taipei Main Station, before departing to Wu Fen Pu.
Our breakfast was sushi sets and we had our Japanese lunch at the "underground street". FYI, Japanese food is realtively cheaper in Taiwan compare to Malaysia. I guess this is due to theire distance with Japan,which is so much nearer.
Group photo before the meal served.

The taste were "so so", but stil worth of money value. A set of Salmon sets Rice only TWD120 with Jasmine tea.

The taste were "so so", but stil worth of money value. A set of Salmon sets Rice only TWD120 with Jasmine tea.
After our lunch we headed to Wu Fen Pu to "release stress". Haha. We had a great time shopping. After few hours, we went to Rao He night market again. Dear need to collect his suit for our Big Day.
FYI, the "Big Elephant" has a good bargain on Men's Suit. We bought 1 complete set at TWD4500. Shirt, Coat, Pants, Tie.=)
We end our day with Fried Oyster Egg.
Taipei Trip- 6th Day (13th April 2010)
A less hectic trip today. We hired a driver cum tourist guide to bring us to outskirt of Taipei, which is not so accesible via public transport. (TWD4000 for a Toyota Wish which is good for 7 Asian size adults)
The god did not pity us even there is so many plan called off the day before, he gave us rain today. So, you'll see a lot of "Yellow man" in the following photos.
1.) Memorial Hall for Late Soldier (Zhong Lie Shi)
2.) Yang Ming Shan
3.) Ye Liu Geological Park
4.) Ye Liu Ocean Park
5.) Jiu Fern Old Street
All places is great even we were wet whole day. Thanks Mr. Driver (Zheng) for being such a good tour guide. The lunch is superb nice despite the price which is a bit expensive. 2000TWD for 6 adults.
The great day started with a hot grilled sweet potato. Must Try! Taiwainese sweet potato is superb sweet and yummy.

Zhong Lie Shi

Zhong Lie Shi
Nothing Special besides the few soldire were marching with some performance when they exchanged shift.

Yang Ming Shan
It make us even colder when we were at the mountain. The "Giant Taro" is all around the farm and the scenary is so nice. There is a black forest, but due to rainy day, we just stopped by and quickly snapped a photo. Most view from the mountain to see the whole Taipei City were blocked by floggy.

Yang Ming Shan
It make us even colder when we were at the mountain. The "Giant Taro" is all around the farm and the scenary is so nice. There is a black forest, but due to rainy day, we just stopped by and quickly snapped a photo. Most view from the mountain to see the whole Taipei City were blocked by floggy.
Ye Liu Geological Park
Very impresive natural artwork of stones. The sea side is also a great one where you can listen to the beauty of waves sound.
The stones are all in different shape and size causes by the wether overs years. I bet there might be a good stories behind, but I am just too lazy to do research about it. ^^
Ye Liu Ocean Park
A good place for kids or those immatured ladies like me. Dolphine are so cute, and I miss the chance to touch them. Blame on my dear for dont wanna accompany me.
A very traditional street with nice lattern decoration which make it more chinsese feel. Very beautiful at night. However, we missed the scenary when geeting up Jiu Fern and the day getting darker. There should be a very nice view from this little hill and a waterfall. My advise is, try to get there before sunset, heard from friends that the scenary from the hill is very impressive.
Taipei Trip- 5th Day (12th April 2010)
Today trip is not well planned. Yet, we had a great time.
Initially, the plan as below:
1.) Dan Shui
2.) Yang Ming Shan
3.) Hot Spring
4.) Shilin
It end up with
1.) Dan Shui Old Street
2.) A walk in Bei Tou
3.)Shi Lin Night Market.
It is because it is Monday and the Hot Spring Musuem close on every Monday. We didnt know that until we arrived and most of the Hot Spring spot also close due to that reason, and we missed the Thermal Spring as well.
Also, we spent too much time in Dan Shui old street until it is late for us to visit Yang Ming Shan.
Ah, so many things we missed, but we stil had a great day in Dan Shui Old Street. There is a lot of things to be explored there. And, the handbag shop is great.

Taipei Trip- 4th Day (11th April 2010)
4th day is a little bit "Wet Day". 
We jump start our morning as early as 9.30am with 7-11 triangle rice roll again. haha. I really fall in love with it.
Our plan today
1.) Xi Men Ding
2.) National Palace Musuem
3.) Shi Lin Night Market
4.) Spicy steamboat (Ma Lak Huo Guo)
Xi Men Ting
You can find the most updated fashion here. Price is not too cheap, but reasonable if you know how to negotiate.

Shi Lin Night Market
We just had a quick walk at the night market as we will be there again the next day. So, I just had a meat roll, which is terribly hard. Not recommended. Hehe. Well, I looked superb tired in the picture, what a eventful day I've gone through.

Spicy steamboot ("Tian Shang Tian" at Ming Quan Xi Lu station)
The buffet steamboot is around TWD430 per person,but the variety is great, the seafood is very fresh. And the ice cream provided is from Hagen-Daz. Strongly recommended.
The spicy soup is very spicy even we just orders a mild spicy range. Cant imagine how spicy is the medium spicy and the super spicy soup.
My dear miss the fresh oyster and shrimp that make him so "powerful" through out the vacation. Hehehe .^-^

We jump start our morning as early as 9.30am with 7-11 triangle rice roll again. haha. I really fall in love with it.
Our plan today
1.) Xi Men Ding
2.) National Palace Musuem
3.) Shi Lin Night Market
4.) Spicy steamboat (Ma Lak Huo Guo)
Xi Men Ting
You can find the most updated fashion here. Price is not too cheap, but reasonable if you know how to negotiate.

Snack is great here.
National Palace Musuem
Historical place and good for our chinese history knowledge. My dear enjoyed the antique for different Dynasty there. For those below age 30, please get a Youth Travel Card at the Tourist Information Counter at Airport, you'll get 50% discount here.
I applied, but dear left it at the hotel. Argh, we spent additional TWD160 here...geramnya. But, he get what he deserved, few punch from me and he returned it with thousands applogise.
Well, as usual, you are not allowed to take photo inside the musuem.

Historical place and good for our chinese history knowledge. My dear enjoyed the antique for different Dynasty there. For those below age 30, please get a Youth Travel Card at the Tourist Information Counter at Airport, you'll get 50% discount here.
I applied, but dear left it at the hotel. Argh, we spent additional TWD160 here...geramnya. But, he get what he deserved, few punch from me and he returned it with thousands applogise.
Well, as usual, you are not allowed to take photo inside the musuem.

Shi Lin Night Market
We just had a quick walk at the night market as we will be there again the next day. So, I just had a meat roll, which is terribly hard. Not recommended. Hehe. Well, I looked superb tired in the picture, what a eventful day I've gone through.

Spicy steamboot ("Tian Shang Tian" at Ming Quan Xi Lu station)

The buffet steamboot is around TWD430 per person,but the variety is great, the seafood is very fresh. And the ice cream provided is from Hagen-Daz. Strongly recommended.
The spicy soup is very spicy even we just orders a mild spicy range. Cant imagine how spicy is the medium spicy and the super spicy soup.
My dear miss the fresh oyster and shrimp that make him so "powerful" through out the vacation. Hehehe .^-^
Taipei Trip- 3rd Day (10th April 2010)
Great sunny day!

We woke up at 9am in the morning, but my " movie king" dear, watch the TV shows until 10 something until I start mumbling. (P/S: Taiwan has 80+ free TV channel). We went down to the MRT station and searching for breakfast venue. Finally, we ended up at 7-11. The yummy triangle rice roll.
Our first plan today is to visit the Taiwan Story Land, but we've mixed it up with Taipei Story House. It was a funny and silly misunderstanding, me and dear had an argument, luckily after asking some local people, we managed to find it.
It is at "Taipei Main Station" Z2 exit. The entrance fees is TWD 280 per adult with TWD150 voucher which you can spend for foods and souvenier in there. Taiwan Story Land is about taiwan local lifestyle at 60's and 70's. Good place, highly recommended.
We spent about 2 hours there and guess who we met when we step out the storyland. It's By 2 mini concert.

About 2pm, we headed to Sun Yat Sun memorial hall. Easily accesible by MRT. We spend about another 1.5 hours there watching the movie of Sun Yat Sun revolution, browsing some history information.
After that, we decideed to walk to 101 tower. We just use this tower as our destination mark and we walk towards it. Nothing special inside, it is like KLCC. Well, I personally think that, KLCC is better. Hehe. Then we walked out and spotted this big LOVE sign outside the tower. There are also bicycle for rent outside.

I then suggested to go to "Wu Fen Pu", we we took sometime wonder around the 101 area, before decided to jump on the MRT and headed to "Yuan San" station.
It takes another 5 minutes walking distance to arrive at Wu Fen Pu. The clothese there is all about the same but I manage to grab a piece of cloth for myself and my mum. I didnt plan for big shopping today because I knew I'll be back again on Day 5 or 6.
Then feeling hungry, we went one of the biggest night market beside Wu Fen Pu, Rao He Night Market. A lot of great food there, so dont miss it. Higly recommended "Chen Tong Pork Rib soup" and " 2 colours ice"- Mango and Stawberry ice with milk.

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